Matt Wing

Conscientious communicator to people and programs

:doodle { width: 700px; height: 500px; margin: 0 -15vh; --blink-color-1: #107BAD; --blink-color-2: #0A4E6E; } background: #0A4E6E; @match( x = y - 1) { background: #86569e; --blink-color-1: #095FD6; --blink-color-2: #15A9ED; } @match( x = y) { background: #70569e; --blink-color-1: #09CBD6; --blink-color-2: #0AF7C2; } @match( x = y + 2 || x = y + 3) { background: #86569e; --blink-color-1: #ED5521; --blink-color-2: #EDB609; } @match ( x <= y - 20 || x >= y + 20 || X-x+1 <= y - 20 || X-x+1 >= y + 20 || x < 10 || x > 31) { background: transparent; --blink-color-1: transparent; --blink-color-2: transparent; } animation: blink 1s infinite; animation-play-state:var(--h,paused); animation-delay: @rand(5000ms);
      @keyframes blink {
        0% {
          background: var(--blink-color-1);
        100% {
          background: var(--blink-color-2);

Howdy! My name's Matt. Depending on the day, I'm a professional tinkerer, active listener, and/or project manager.

I've built web apps, virtualized domain controllers, and counseled memory care patients.

I love when getting my stuff done includes TypeScript, solar power, or learning something new.

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